Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The corn is growing in central Iowa.  The other day I took this photo near Pella Christian High School.  It's a picture of a one inch high corn plant.  Only a week or two back, it was planted as a small seed in the rich Iowa soil.  And now it's growing inch by inch.  And God.  God makes it grow!

It's hard to believe that this tiny shoot will be taller than me in a few short months.  With adequate sunshine and rain, the tiny green plant will tower over my six-foot frame in no time.  Before you know it, the stalk will get thicker & taller; eventually this corn plant will contribute its part for the harvest.  

It reminds me of the father in Mark 9 who wanted healing for his son.  He approached Jesus with the boy.  He asked Jesus to heal the boy if he could.  Jesus replied: If you can?  EVERYTHING is possible for one who believes.  Then immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.'  (Mark 9:22-24)

It's the same for the prison church.  Right now we're a small church plant only a few months old.  And God.  God will make it grow.  Sometimes it's hard to believe.  It's hard to dream forward and envision a new community where disciples are trained to follow Christ.  It's hard to believe in the formation of a congregation within a prison.  But God is gracious.  By his Spirit, he strengthens our faith so that we can approach the future with hope.  

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